A Conversation for The H2G2 Parade Marching Band

Hey . . .

Post 61


That isn't atheism then... if he firmly believes it! smiley - bigeyes
shazzPRME smiley - winkeye

Hey . . .

Post 62


~Greebo's eyes go wide~... The moon is made of cheese??? Me didn't realise that...

Hey . . .

Post 63

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

Well, as he puts it, Atheism isn't not believing in God, but rather believing there is no God. There's a difference, at least the way he explains it.

So it's the same with Moon Cheese!

Hey . . .

Post 64


*Starts to pack Greebo's bag and fill it full of crackers* smiley - winkeye

Hey . . .

Post 65

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

No cheese?

Hey . . .

Post 66


Nah! There's lots of that on the moon! smiley - winkeye

Hey . . .

Post 67


You mean that if me believed the moon was actually a huge doughnut and not made of cheese then it would be so????

Hey . . .

Post 68


But of course, oh furry one! smiley - smiley

*Starts to think the bag she's packing for Greebo possibly isn't large enough*

Hey . . .

Post 69


Oh my... ~Greebo eyes look far away~... oh my... oh my... oh my....

Hey . . .

Post 70


*Wipes the drool from Greebo's mouth and books a flight to Florida for Greebo* smiley - winkeye

Hey . . .

Post 71

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

She said "My oh my" not "Miami:

Hey . . .

Post 72


Did she really? *Wicked grin* smiley - winkeye

Hey . . . Ho... and it's off we go... ~grin~... sorry felt a little whimsical tonight...

Post 73


~Greebo looks up into the night and dreams a little dream~

Hey . . . Ho... and it's off we go... ~grin~... sorry felt a little whimsical tonight...

Post 74


*Thinks that Greebo looks so peaceful and relaxed that she doesn't need a holiday after all*

Hey Greebo! Penny for them?

Hey . . . Ho... and it's off we go... ~grin~... sorry felt a little whimsical tonight...

Post 75


~Greebo looks across at Gwennie~... After taking all your money... are you sure you have a penny left???

Hey . . . Ho... and it's off we go... ~grin~... sorry felt a little whimsical tonight...

Post 76


Not personally, no. However, there's always Christopher's piggy bank! smiley - bigeyes

Hey . . . Ho... and it's off we go... ~grin~... sorry felt a little whimsical tonight...

Post 77


Well would you believe it... me has a hammer... ~grin~... ~Greebo produces a hammer from her Garfield backpack~

Hey . . . Ho... and it's off we go... ~grin~... sorry felt a little whimsical tonight...

Post 78


I think a hammer may dent Christopher's piggy bank, but it wouldn't shatter it as it's metal! smiley - smiley

Hey . . . Ho... and it's off we go... ~grin~... sorry felt a little whimsical tonight...

Post 79


Blow torch???

Hey . . . Ho... and it's off we go... ~grin~... sorry felt a little whimsical tonight...

Post 80


Er, key? smiley - smiley

Key: Complain about this post