Infinity, The Laws of

3 Conversations


"Bigger than the biggest thing ever and then some. Much bigger than that in fact, really amazingly immense, a totally stunning size, real 'wow, that's big' time. Infinity is just so big that by comparison, bigness itself looks really titchy. Gigantic multiplied by colossal multiplied by staggeringly huge is the sort of concept we're trying to get across here."

- The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy

Infinity itself...

In fact, it's even bigger than that, would you believe. Infinity can't be expressed in numbers, or terms of size as in the quote above. The human brain can't cope with the concept of infinity, so it tries to visualise it - to no avail.

Now, what infinity actually means is 'boundless'. Just to clear it up, IT GOES ON FOREVER. It has no start and no end, it's just *not finite* (finite means it has limits, of course). It's humanly impossible to describe it in any other way. However, I can tell you about how infinity affects several things on this planet and everywhere else.


Everyone knows very well that space is infinite. There is no centre and no edge to it; it's just boundless, as I said. So, if space is infinite, there must be infinite planets, infinite suns, infinite everything - infinite matter. This is where some people start to get a bit agitated; infinite matter contradicts the big Bang Theory, in that the theory states that all matter in the Universe was compressed together in a sphere. What they meant by that is all matter was inside a finite area. THAT IS IMPOSSIBLE. Okay, the most obvious shape for an infinite area is a sphere, so their theory could still be true, as long as that sphere went on forever.

This leads us on to another fault in their theory. They said that all the matter was compressed into that sphere. Matter is infinite, and the sphere it was 'compressed' into was infinite, so how could it have been compressed? Easy - it wasn't.

I know what you're thinking now though. Ah yes, 'if it wasn't compressed, then why was it a solid sphere, and now we see all the matter separated into planets and the like?' Well, strictly speaking, it *was* compressed together, but since the amount of space the matter takes up as a sphere and as it is now is always going to be infinite, there isn't actually a difference.

Units of Measurement...

What you now know is that infinity goes outwards. Not from a centre, because there isn't one of course. But it can also mean the opposite. I'm sure we all know how we think the Universe is made up; with atoms, going deeper; protons, electrons, neutrons, and even deeper; quarks. But it goes deeper than that... Yes, they get smaller. In fact infinitesimally small. This is just another way of saying that it's infinitely small. So, this means that there is no 'smallest' particle.

One very good example of something being infinitesimally small compared to the Universe (apart from everything of course), is something taken out of the HHGG. On Frogstar World B, Zaphod is put in the Total Perspective Vortex. In one moment, he sees the whole of creation and himself in relation to it. A little arrow points to his position in the infinity, and he's displayed as 'infinitely small'. This happening is impossible because of a few things:

  1. You just can't see all of infinity, because you'ld need an infinitely large brain and eyes;
  2. You can't see anything that is infinitesimally small, because you'ld need an infinite number of sensors on your retina
  3. and;

  4. You can't see anything of that size anyway because it virtually doesn't exist.
"Finite Infinity"

The fact that the sizes of particles get infinitesimally small means that there are an infinite number of such particles in any area. From this premise it's obvious that any area is infinite in itself, although you can see its boundary. This is what I call 'finite infinity', an impossible term that means an obviously infinite area comprised of what looks like a finite area.

So, even if the scientists' theory of a finite amount of matter in the Universe is true, space has to be infinite because of size going down forever.

However, all the units of measurement that we use today are still valid. Well, of course they are, there can't be a law of infinity against them working because we've been using them since God knows when.

Which brings me on to something else...

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