A Conversation for The Post Room 101
King Lear doing the hoovering...
sprout Started conversation Aug 26, 2004
Thought I'd combine the two.
If you are going to put hoovering in Room 101, I'd be a bit worried that we'd eventually suffocate under the weight of all our shed skin... - I mean it's not like sweeping or mopping is any better, is it?
If you're putting dust into Room 101, then you can have my vote.
As for King Lear, well, clearly a chap with some pyschological issues, but surely his presence in literature gives families something to discuss over sunday lunch, reminds us to make a will, etc etc?
So nay to that one then.
King Lear doing the hoovering...
LL Waz Posted Aug 30, 2004
But King Lear endlessly hoovering up tea leaves in Room 101 is irresistible. How can you vote against that ?
I like sweeping! And mopping means slittering about with water which is good too.
It's the dust or whatever it takes to not need to vacuum that I wanted in the room.
Sunday lunch family bonding - I think Pinniped's experience there answers that one! I've put a sort of compromise proposal in the other thread. Lear still goes into 101 but only at the end of the play.
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King Lear doing the hoovering...
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