Ships of the United Federation of Planets (UFP)

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Class 1 Heavy Cruiser (Constitution Class Starships)

The standard ships compliment for a Constitution class starship is forty-three command officers and three hundred-eighty-seven ensign grade crew. In dead weight each ship weighs approx. 190,000 metric tons. The maximum safe cruising speed for each of these ships is warp factor six, the emergency speed is warp factor eight. Each Class 1 Heavy Cruiser is equipped with three main phaser banks with two phasers in each one, also two banks of photon torpedoes. The overall dimensions of the ship are: length 228.6m, breadth 127.1m, and height 72.6m. Each ship is equipped with two space/warp propulsion units.

Class 1 Destroyer (Saladin Class Starships)

The standard ships compliment for a Saladin class starship is twenty command officers and one hundred-eighty ensign grade crew. In dead weight each ship weighs approx. 95,000 metric tons. The maximum safe cruising speed for each of these ships is warp factor six, the emergency speed is warp factor eight. Each Class 1 Destroyer is equipped with three main phaser banks with two phasers in each one, also two banks of photon torpedoes. The overall dimensions of the ship are: length 242.5m, breadth 127.1m, and height 60m. Each ship is equipped with one space/warp propulsion unit.

Class 1 Scout (Hermes Class Starship)

The standard ships compliment for a Hermes class starship is twenty command officers and one hundred-seventy-five ensign grade crew. In dead weight each ship weighs approx. 94,500 metric tons. The maximum safe cruising speed for each of these ships is warp factor six, the emergency speed is warp factor eight. Each Class 1 Scout is equipped with one main phaser bank with two phasers. The overall dimensions of the ship are: length 242.5m, breadth 127, height 60m. it is equipped with one space/warp propulsion unit.

Class 1 Transport/Tug (Ptolmey Class Starships)

The standard ships compliment for a Ptolmey class starship is twenty-two command officers and one hundred-ninety-eight ensign grade crew. In dead weight each ship weighs approx. 126, 500 metric tons. The maximum safe cruising speed for each of these ships is warp factor six, the emergency speed is warp factor eight. Each Class 1 Heavy Cruiser is equipped with two main phaser banks with two phasers in each one. The overall dimensions of the ship are: length 222m, breadth 127.1m, and height 66m. Each ship is equipped with two space/warp propulsion units.

Transport Containers Used With Class 1 Tug

MK-V Products

Each MK-V has a gross volume of 303,916 meters cubed,, deadweight of 121,566 metric tons, forty meters in diameter, and with a load height of 2.44m. Each container has six transporters and four elevators.

MK-III Reefers

Each MK-III has a gross volume of 303,916meters cubed, deadweight of 100,000 metric tons, forty meters in diameter, and a load height of 2.44 meters. Each container has six transporters and four elevators.

MK-11 Dry Bulk

Each MK-11 has a gross volume of 303,916 meters cubed, deadweight of 121,566 metric tons, forty meters in diameter, and seventeen division bulkheads. Each container has six transporters and two elevators.

MK-I Liquids

Each MK-I has a gross volume of 303,916 meters cubed, deadweight of 121,566 metric tons, net volume of 276,076 meters cubed, and is forty meters in diameter. Each container has six transporters and two elevators.

MK-IV People (Starliner)

Each MK-IV has a gross volume of 303,916 meters cubed, deadweight of 80,000 metric tons, general area of 77,570 meters squared, six transporters, five elevators, and a deck spacing of three meters. Each starliner has a ships compliment of fifteen command officers, 150 ensign grade crew, and 500 passengers. Each ship has eleven decks: decks A-H, three cargo holds, and a tank top. The container is a self contained emergency life boat with eighteen years endurance and is capable for sub-light velocity. Deck A contains a park with a fountain in the center, admin offices, and a refreshment lounge can be found on the opposite end of the deck form the offices. Deck B contains ninety-one state rooms for officers and crew, one recreation lounge, special accommodations suits. This deck has one hundred and six rooms and is capable of housing two hundred and twelve people. Deck C contains a recreation lounge and one hundred and twenty-seven state rooms which are capable of housing two hundred and fifty-four people. Deck D contains a Theater with four hundred and twenty seats, a movie theater with four hundred and eighty-five seats, a recreation and dancing room that can be found at the forward of the deck, a refreshment lounge (aft), and two bar/coffee shops (fore and aft). Deck E contains. a recreation lounge, one hundred and fifty-two rooms and can house two hundred and eighty-three people. Deck F contains the ships labs (fore), the bridge (fore), and a recreation facility that contains a gym, showers, a play ground, dressing room, pool, and a small eating area. This deck also houses the library lounge, the crafts area, and sickbay which has thirty beds. Deck G contains the brig (fore), transporters, maintenance shops, the electrical power station, a pool, a small food area (aft), impulse power (aft), and the engine room (aft). Deck H contains the ships computers (fore), the engine room (aft), and food prep. Cargo Hold One has a 51,500 meters cubed capacity. Cargo Hold Two has a 40,000 meters cubed capacity and the ships computer. Cargo Hold Three has a 24,000 meters cubed capacity, the refrigerated goods (fore), waste reconstitution, and the hydroponic gardens (aft). The Tank Top has a 28,900 meter cubed capacity, cargo transporters (fore), basic elements storage, solid fuel (which takes up one half of the Top Tank and is found aft). A typical state room contains 3 rooms: a bedroom, a bathroom, and a sitting room/work area. Each bedroom comes with two beds with one night table each. Each bathroom contains a sink, toilet, tub, shower and is four meters squared. Each sitting room/work area has a desk with a chair, an arm chair and a coffee table. Not including the bathroom each state room is twenty-three meters squared.

Class 1 Dreadnought (Federation Class Starship)

The standard ships compliment for a Federation class starship is fifty-five command officers and four hundred forty-five ensign grade crew. In dead weight each ship weighs approx. 285,000 metric tons. The maximum safe cruising speed for each of these ships is warp factor eight, the emergency speed is warp factor ten. Each Class 1 Dreadnought is equipped with five main phaser banks with two phasers in each one, also two banks of photon torpedoes. The overall dimensions of the ship are: length 320m, breadth 140m, and height 87m. Each ship is equipped with three space/warp propulsion units, and each propulsion unit is 17.3m in diameter.

  • All info relavent for Star Trek TOS.
  • For more information or for diagrams consult the Star Fleet Technical Manual.

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