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At one time, there was a law that made a limit for how long a business could stay open. Of course, that business did not have to be open during all the hours that it could be open, and most were not. However, in 1927 some nice people in Dallas, Texas, created a chain of stores properly named "7-Eleven". This was because these stores were open for all the hours that they could be open, which was from 7:00 am to 11:00 pm. Today, of course, 7-Eleven's all across The United States and Canada all open all day, every day; sometimes even on holidays. Their goal is to be fast, friendly, and sell products that are reliable at good prices. In short, they want to give the people what they want.

People go to 7-Eleven when they are feeling too lazy to go far away to a bigger store. 7-Eleven has all the basic items that people occasionally run out of in the middle of the night, such as cheap toys, school supplies, collector's items, lighters, and dirty magazines. Of course, they also sell all sorts of food items for you and your pets, but that sort of thing hardly matters when you have a brand new deck of cards and a picture of a nude female to pose as your opponent.

The best thing about 7-Eleven is that you can go and obtain what you need at any time of the day or night, even on Sundays and during Christmas. You may get your coffee early in the morning, or late in the eve. Slushies are available to you in the winter as well as in the spring. And, the service is friendly and fast. So get on out there and take advantage of your local 7-Eleven. Go at two in the morning. That's what they are there for.

You can visit the official 7-Eleven website to hear music, download screensavers, and even see how your food is made. Just go to http://www.7-eleven.com.

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