CONNECT AFRICA - Why the Internet?

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Why a Community Internet Connection

Because access to the Internet provides access to a wealth of information and services that directly and efficiently address the 5 key issues facing Africa today:

  1. Poverty
  2. Education
  3. Health
  4. Agriculture
  5. Disaster Relief

1) Poverty will be addressed by more efficient trade: The Internet will enable local communities and individuals to identify and secure better prices and markets for their goods and services. Access to market information on a regular basis will ensure the right products and services are being traded at the right time for the right price, i.e. wealth generation. (The Internet is being very effectively used for this in rural India)

2) Education standards can be improved: An Internet connection will enable teachers in remote regions to access the latest educational material and training while exposing the pupils to a wider world and information. The Internet will provide real time training and professional development for teachers that will in turn enable smaller one and two teacher schools to cover multi-grades where there are small numbers of students.

3) Health services and information can be provided in remote locations where previously rural communities would have to travel to the nearest medical help. With information provided by multiple health organisations, nurses or medical assistants will be able to dispense appropriate and useful advice.

4) Agricultural information and services can be accessed and distributed to rural farmers in real time. Agricultural market data along with farming advice will ensure crop yields are maximised. The Internet link can be used by the community to establish a trade information bureau and/or market that will in turn enable farmers to obtain optimum prices for their crops.

5) Disaster relief: The service will enable emergency messages to be sent instantly through a system that is not dependent on cables or radio masts. This will provide immediate access to emergency services in the case of accidents or disaster.

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