A Conversation for People of Earth, your attention please!


Post 1


Congratuations to Mr Adams on the launch of H2G2. His existing internet forums: SST (Starship Titanic) and Douglas Adams Forum are visited regularly by people from around the world, many of whom have become firm friends, in spite of distance and time zones. An internet community allows people to interact without regard to age, sex, nationality, skin colour or disability. I look forward to an Interactive new millenium.
I wish the project every success - Peta
(can I have a signed book now!!)


Post 2


Since Peta asked...Can I have a book too? It is just a curse of my birth place that at your opening
I will unfortunately be at my work place. See, I was born on the wrong side of that large cold
watery thing between me and the BBC. So if you happen to have any books left over, lying around
looking for a bibliophile to love and caress them well send one my way. You won't be dissappointed.
With all due regard - Jory

Prize details

Post 3

Jim Lynn

To reassure everybody, what we will do is this:

We will select 42 lucky winners out of all those people who have registered with the site by the time Tomorrow's World ends.
We'll be in touch with those winners by email to get postal addresses and other relevant details.

However, because we don't know how incredibly successful the site is going to be, we can't tell you when we'll
be in touch with the winners. It could be next week. But we'll flag it on the site when they've been selected.


Post 4

Researcher 10323

A wonderful site.
Consultation of this guide will provide a key to international understanding,
and a perfect way to pass the time between lunch and tea.


Post 5

ProzaQ the Chilled

Dang... Missed it by a few hours due to 'teething' problems caused by the rush...

Most hearty congrats on an excellent idea - I have been waiting for it.

It should do well smiley - smiley


Post 6

capt helen

The Starship titanic website is the best site on the net all my friends are there iv made loads too its a fun community heres to a good time here


Post 7

capt helen

The Starship titanic website is the best site on the net all my friends are there iv made loads too its a fun community heres to a good time here


Post 8

Researcher 25707

I love to watch TW.. I have logged on now and i'm ready for thr world...

Also Would like to say " Hello World, the future is Our to shape as we see fit"

Stay Cool


Post 9

Researcher 25707

I love to watch TW.. I have logged on now and i'm ready for thr world...

Also Would like to say " Hello World, the future is Ours to shape as we see fit"

Stay Cool

Prize details

Post 10


So tell us...How did the GRAND OPENING of the site do? Is it extraordinarily overwhelmed with newly
baptised researchers. Just wondering if you had any idea of numbers. I think its going to be the best


Post 11


Hello all , glad to arrive from the land downunder ,I re-iterate Peta's comments , having made numerous friends at SST,SLL and DNA forums.

I even had the pleasure of meeting Peta in England some 6 months ago , which I think entitles me to a copy of the book ,signed and all ,as I am (I think) the only SSTer who has personally met the st poster to this particular foru,


Post 12


mmmm the last line of my previous post should be " 1st poster to this forum" ... where's my bug spray???

TW Journal Entries

Post 13

Researcher 25707

Journal Entries

How do you delete Journal Entries it you have entred the same Journal more than once


Post 14


Watching the launch on TW last night I have to say this looked like a great venture. A global wealth of information about our planet! Restaurant guides, places to visit, all kinds of fascinating facts!

What a disappointment - all I can find is a wealth of meaningless drivvel! I'm sorry but if thats's all this site is to amount to it will quickly become a waste of cyberspace. Please - where is all the sensible stuff this site was supposed to have.


Post 15


Meaningless drivel is an unfortunate side effect of granting virtually anyone and everyone in the world access to something like this. In time, it'll all sort out.


Post 16

Alex Egg

You get out what you put in, thats the catch - write a really good sensible article yourself and submit it. This thing is lifeform - feed it and it will grow.


Post 17


I love Tomorrow's World. Especially the theme music, written by the fabulous Divine Comedy. Hey, I think I might go and enter an entry all about them...

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