Who are you?
Created | Updated Jan 16, 2008
In these subtle, caring ways, the personality forms. It learns its likes and dislikes, its friends and foes, its loves and hates, its joys and sorrows. It splits the world assunder and through this division it learns to rule by carrot and stick. Every day the list of likes and the list of dislikes gets longer until, soon he has no need to experience anything anymore but simply to scan the list to see how he should behave under any given circumstance.
From the cradle to the grave,
A list dictates how you behave.
Never trying anything new,
You already know what's good for you.
Just occassionaly we get a glimpse of the false nature surrounding the world we have created and perhaps say "I don't like the way I am now!" An odd phrase that;"I don't like the way I am now!" It almost suggests a duality with its two "I"'s and, indeed, that can be the first clue that there are two of you in this relationship. There is the "you" who, if asked "Who am I?" will simply repeat the lists it has created. This is the personality who has been developing list after list ad infinitum much as a suit of clothes to cover its own nakedness. Then there is the other "you". That watcher at the core of your being who experiences all and accepts all. This other "you" only appears when the false "you", the personality, subsides and is quiet. You can develop that inner peace and in those peaceful periods you can come to know who you truly are and that, through silence, you have the freedom to be yourself.