The World of Radio Controled Auto Racing

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R/C Auto Racing in the United States

In the United States R/C Car races are held by local hobby shops in either a parking lot or at a permenant facility. There is also a governing body known as ROAR, or Remotely Operated Auto Racing, which organizes national and regonal events. The United States is broken up into fourteen regions with Canada as an additional region. Each of these regions has a region director who is responsable for managing the dues and reporting the goings on in the region for the newsletter.

The regions are broken up as follows:
Region 1Conneticut, Maine, Massachusett, New Hampshire, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont
Region 2Deleware, Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Washington DC, Virginia, West Virginia
Region 3Alabama, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee
Region 4Florida1
Region 5Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin
Region 6Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi
Region 7Minnisota, North Dakota, South Dakota
Region 8Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska
Region 9Oklahoma, Texas
Region 10Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, Wyoming
Region 11Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington
Region 12California, Nevada, Arizona
Region 142Hawaii
ROAR CanadaCanada

General Information

Remote control cars come in two main varieties distinguished by their power supply; Nitro and Electric. These two catagories can be further subdivided into on-road and off-road. These two catagories can also be subdivided into oval and road course. These are often then subdivided into seperate classes acording to skill, engine type, and in some cases body style.

The bodies that are run on these cars are made of durable lexan. Although it is not hard to crack these bodies, they protect the car very well.

Nitro cars are powered by one cylinder engines that run on a mixture of usually 20% or 30% Nitromethonol and 80% or 70% oil. This makes them relatively loud which limits their usage mostly to non-residential areas.

1As well as the U.S. Territories of Puerto Rico and The U.S. Virgin Islands2Traditionally racers are considered superstitious and therefore there is no Region 13

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