Library limpers

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You'd think, when you waddle into a library of the municipal sort, that you would find, behind the frontline of volunteers and schoolchildren manning the front desk and shelving stuff, a small coterie of professionals, who are literate, thoughtful, considerate, and efficient.
It has been my experience that is rarely the case.
The tech and cataloging staff of my local public library seems to function in their own little world, incapable of seeing things from the patrons side of view.
They can't group non-fiction books together in a lump, according to overall subject. They have to scatter them all over the place according to some arcane rendering of the Dewey Decimal system that seems to depend upon their horoscopes and what they had to eat that day. They don't have the books on show horses next to the race horses books. They have the show horses next to the books on Broadway shows...
If you punch in "German fiction" into the catalog computer, you don't get fiction in German, you get fiction that was translated from German, or fiction books in Englich that were printed in Germany.
If you want to read about Virginia Woolf, you can't just walk over to a W section of the biograpies and find it. You have to go to the catalog computer and punch in "Woolf, Virgina" and sort the biographies out from the fiction and then go find each stupid book under the AUTHOR'S name, not the "SUBJECT" name.
And these people get paid for this.

There are also "buyers" at the library who have no intention of actually reading or even truly looking at what they buy.
I found one fantasy romance picture book on the "new" shelf that was actually a blatant soft porn item, complete with "heaving" you-know-whats and "throbbing" something elses, and computer-altered art photos accompanying this turgid text that almost but not quite told the story by themselves.
When I pointed this out to a "buyer", she said, "It came highly recommended in an industry journal".
You can't defib a dead brain.

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