Creation VS Evolution

4 Conversations

When Charles Darwin published his book "The Orgin of Species", he started an ongoing debate over the orginal orgin of species or life itself. Darwin knew that the publication of this scientific study of the Galopagose Islands and the model for evolution that he would start a "Holy War" of sorts over the issue. In his study, he found that organisms can and do evolve according to the rule of "Survival of the Fittest". He hinted at the assumption that humans are also prone to this rule of nature and that we must of have evolved to the current state in which we exist today. The major conflict is a debate on how far does this process go.

Creationists belive that the orgin of species is as it is depicted in the Bible. This tells a story of an omnipotent, omnipresent, and omnibenevolent being known as "God" that created the Earth and all life upon it. This story is not rooted in any scientific fact, but only in fath and religion. In this source all the animals and humans were created and placed on the earth as they appear today. This, of course, defiles the concept of evolution on any scale. Of course, the bible is very vague and tells its tales in almost a poetic way. Except, that we can not decide what is true or mearly poetic device. The Earth's major religions have decided that certain parts of this book are true and others are not, but there seems to be no concrete way of telling the difference. It is almost as though thay drew straws or rolled the dice to decide. Nether the less it is still completly held on fath.

Now a twist to this whole delema is they way I see these two ideas comming together to form a whole picture. Evolution in my opinion is a valid theory with strong scientific roots and it should hold true on the macroscale as well as on the microscale. With this said, Evolution began as soon as life was created. There is a saying here on Earth expecially in the religious circles that "God works in Mysterious Ways". I beleive that to be true so, that his most outstanding achevement must also be extremly "Mysterious". Well, since the Bible is very vague as to "How he created everything" Could he of just started the process and let evoultion take over? Of course. So, my theory is that God created all the components of life down to a very miniscule level and let these ingredients just bake for a little while and start the whole process. In short, God started with the organic components and let evoultion make them evolve into living things.

This debate is far from over and it will probably continue until we just don't care about it anymore. But that is not likely to happen.

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