Jasper, Canada

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There are few places in the world as spectacular as Jasper National Park, Alberta, Canada. Located in the Rocky Mountains, Jasper is a fantastic destination for people ranging from seasoned mountaineers to casual tourists. There is something to do all year-round. You can spend your days exploring the hundreds of hiking trails, rock climbing and skiing with enough time left at the end of the day for a pint or Cappuccino. Jasper is also a protected habitat and wildlife abounds. Indeed, at any time of year, you can spot herds of elk dining on the local resident's gardens and shrubs. Bears regularly are shooed out of the town site by park wardens (many of whom are Sgt. Preston of the Yukon look-a-likes).

Some of my favorite activities in Jasper are crawling through Maligne Canyon in the winter, hiking in one of the many back-country trails, kayaking on the Athabasca River, and teasing tourist with tales of Bigfoot and other wilderness oddities.

The hiking is especially fantastic and within a few minutes walk from town, you can find yourself alone and without disturbance save the gusting wind and occasional curious critter. The back-country trails are unrivaled in there beauty. Two of my favorites are the Tonquin Valley (requires a three or four day hike or one day horseback ride) and the Skyline Trail (three to four days).

Places definitely not to miss are: Maligne Canyon and Maligne Lake, Athabasca Falls, Old Fort Point, Mount Edith Cavell, Pyramid Mountain and the Whistler Mountain Skytram.

There is accommodation for every budget. You can camp, stay in a hostel, or splash out and get a hotel. If you go on an over-night hike, there is a small nightly fee for the upkeep of the trails.

I may have to live away from Jasper, but my heart is always there.

B. Gallant

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