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GuideML help found here. :)

Post 1

Mikey the Humming Mouse - A3938628 Learn More About the Edited Guide!

Hi there -- just starting this thread as a place to answer any guideML questions you might have about this entry -- easier to do it here than in the Peer Review thread.

Here's some help to get you started. Go into where you can edit your entry, and then:

Add before the entry starts, and after the entry ends.

Then, add a at the beginning of each paragraph, and a at the end of each paragraph.

Next, go down to the bottom of the page, where there's a button that says "Change Style" -- first click on where it says GuideML, and then click on the "Change Style" button.

If there are any problems in the GuideML, it will show you an error message now -- the most likely is that there's an "unclosed tag" -- for example, a without a matching .

If there aren't any problems, it will show you what your entry looks like in GuideML. Next hit the button that says "Update Entry", and your entry is now saved in GuideML.

If you hit any struggles, post them here and I'll lend a hand!

smiley - cheers

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