Amsterdam, The Netherlands

2 Conversations

As the official entry is a bit pap I am going to try and do a bit more, eventually :)
To be continued :)........


Public Transport

Public transport in Amsterdam is how it is meant to be. Any hitchhikers travelling from Britain can not help but be impressed.

Traffic System


Coffeshops are where cannabis is sold. Cannibis has an unusual status in The Netherlands. It is illeagal, but for small amounts, less than three grams, there will be no charges.......


One of the best coffeeshops. Not huge, but not pokey either. The walls are a vivid red colour, with large 'African' style paintings on the wall. As you walk in you see that the shop is on three levels. The middle level is where the bar and the entrance are. Upstairs has comfey chairs and couches. Downstairs is a little more austere, even claustraphobic, though a pinball machine provides entertainment. At the front of the shop there is a huge window looking out onto the street. The whole window can be raised and lowered to allow air in. The choice of drinks and munchies is nothing special, but it has Looza and cookies, and a choice of about 15 teas. All any smoker could want.

The staff seemed friendly, and the menu fairly large and varied. Kadjinsky's is a good place to get some Orange Bud1. Though the seats in the middle section are stools, with the counter top in front of the window, it is all to easy to sit, smoke and watch everyone walking by outside.

Home Grown Fantasies


Global Chillage

Cafe Picasso

Cafe's and Restraunts

Boom! Chicago


As a city Amsterdam has museums bursting from its ears, and of all types as well. From the large2 to the small3 and all the colours in between.

Van Gogh Museum

Stiedelijk Museum?

The Hemp Museum

The Sex Museum

The Rijksmuseum

1A mellow smoke, from a pleasantly aromatic grass, leading to a gentle stone. Enough to be a ble to smoke a couple and then wander around town mostly compis mentus.2See Rijksmuseum3See the bible museum

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