Talking Point: Haunted Houses

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Scrooge and a ghost, from A Christmas Carol.

Forget sightings of UFOs in the skies above us - a new survey reveals that Brits believe in unexplained phenomena much closer to home. OK, actually inside our homes. Apparently, one in ten of us think that the house we live in is haunted. Whoooo. Aren't homeowners put off by the thought of living in their very own shrieking shack? Not a bit - eight out of ten of us wouldn't mind a ghost in our attic, TV room, conservatory, or whatever, according to the survey by Yorkshire Bank Mortgages.

And, far from having us running away in terror, it seems that one third of us would actually be keen to view a house that was said to be haunted. How can you tell whether that cold draught, those creaky sounds, that apparition, or those mysteriously moving household objects are really ghosts? Call in a ghostbuster, of course - or a ghost researcher as they're more properly known. And if they confirm your home is haunted, your next choice is whether to let sleeping ghouls lie or pay someone to send that spectre packing.

Yet more spooky statistics - a survey commissioned by the National Lottery revealed that just over a third of us believe in ghosts. Of that number, nearly half has tried to make contact with the spirt world. Hmmm, perhaps we Brits aren't so down-to-earth after all?

We want to know what you think:

  • Do you believe in ghosts?

  • Have you ever seen a ghost - can you tell us about your experience?

  • Why aren't we put off by the idea of a haunted house - aren't ghosts supposed to be scary?

  • Investigations by ghost researchers - another name for a wild goose chase?

  • You can hire psychics to clear you house of ghosts and spirits. Charlatans - or people providing a useful service?

  • Why do some houses have a bad 'vibe' while others don't?

  • Would you buy a haunted house?

  • One third of Brits say they believe in ghosts. Does this surprise you?

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