Switching my space

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Well well well! I guess you've tracked me down.

If you happen to have any information regarding the secrets of the universe , please, leave a message and I get back to you asap. I happen to be on a quest to gather all the useless info possible so I welcome any theories, thought's, fact's, jokes, poetry, philosophical jargin, ahhh pretty much anything. Feel free to spark up my thought prosess.

smiley - chick


Ever hear the expression:

Early to bed,

Early to rise,

Makes you healthy, wealthy and wise.

A sleepy chameleon on a clock

Well I'm an insomniac who is late for work two days a week. I also consum a bit too much coffee, beer, and cigs along the way. But aside from those minor details I'm a fairly health conscious, responsible member of my community.

Rite now I'm working as a Class A II analyst at an environmental testing lab.

It's cool but someday I hope to be a pro wrestler (WWF).

smiley - zzz
The Burrey Man

Things I like:
smiley - coffee
smiley - ale


Science (all of it)



Music smiley - musicalnote



Fast cars

A surreal Dali-esque picture including a face, a melting clock and a man in a suit.
Hippies smiley - peacesign

Family dinners

Baby's feet

Unusual words

Old smiley - book s

Old friends

Strange people

Exotic houseplants



To be continued ......

The Random Quotes Guild badge

smiley - fairy

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