Talking Point: Comebacks

2 Conversations

Patsy Palmer.

The news that Patsy Palmer is returning to EastEnders after an eight-year break has got us thinking. Are comebacks really a good idea? Think Britney Spears at the MTV Video Awards and Jade Goody on Celebrity Big Brother. Is it ever right to go back - to an old job, a previous partner, or a place you've lived before? Or should we constantly be looking for pastures new?

Patsy's played Bianca Jackson in EastEnders, best known for her stormy relationship with Sid Owen's 'Rick-ay' Butcher. But she has never achieved the same level of fame outside the soap. Does going back to Walford signal an end to her other ambitions as an actress? What about other celebrity comebacks? Why were John Travolta (Pulp Fiction) and Take That so successful while Michael Barrymore and All Saints fell flat?

We want to know what you think:

  • Should the past stay in the past, or is it a country that you can revisit when you like?

  • Why do people go back to old relationships? Because they've learned lessons or because they crave security?

  • Have you ever wanted to resurrect something from your past? If you tried, did it work?

  • What about celebrity or political comebacks - should they bother?

  • Are you inspired by comeback stories, like cyclist Lance Armstrong winning the Tour de France after recovering from cancer? What comebacks have you found most inspiring?

  • Can going back to things or people ever be bad for you? Why, for example, do people go back to abusive relationships?

  • What do you think has been the best comeback ever?

  • And the worst?

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