Doner Kebab

2 Conversations

Food, slices of spicey minced lamb (allegedly), salad, red onion, and a choice of sauces, commonly such as chilli and yoghurt, all rapped in a naan bread or stuffed in a pitta.
In my much-researched opinion, the best kebabs come from Dilkash kebab shop, Wilmslow Road, Manchester, England, Earth etc., (0044) [removed by moderator] and should be ordered as a 'doner, everything on, mate', costing a measly two pounds and 20 pence (sterling, approximately three euros). It consists of the aforementioned meat, red onion, shredded letuce, chilli and yoghurt sauces, rapped in a nice big naan bread, and can suffice for a whole meal.
It may be worth noting, that most of my research, as most research in this field, is conducted while the researcher is not sober enough to walk, let alone in a straight line. 8-)

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