A Conversation for Belfast, Northern Ireland


Post 1


Hi DD,

This is a really good start. Maybe something about its geography might also be of interest. One of the things that really struck me when I was in Belfast was the proximity of the basalt mountain ridge to the city - it's a spectacular backdrop. Also a mention of the wide expanse of Belfast Lough might also be useful. An early mention of the H&W cranes might also be appropriate, as they are the most famous landmarks in the city.

I guess you still have a little bit to write on its history - the emergence of the linen and ship-building industries, the riots that happened on and off over the past 150 years, the bombing during WW2, the Troubles and the subsequent peace agreement. My understanding is that it was bigger than Dublin at the turn of the 20th century, but I would need a little bit of further digging to substantiate this.

smiley - cheers

smiley - peacedoveWoodpigeon


Post 2

Demon Drawer

Hey it's currently a WIP. I did say I'd STARTED IT!!!!!


Post 3

Demon Drawer

smiley - winkeye

smiley - stout


Post 4

Demon Drawer

Prelim geography added and History you should see my WIP document


Post 5

Demon Drawer

24 pages of stuff at present


Post 6

Demon Drawer

Coming along nicely I think. I'm off home soon.

smiley - stout


Post 7


Yes, its coming on very well - I hope you didn't think I had assumed you had finished it already! smiley - smiley

Your piece on Belfast Castle is interesting, but I'm wondering if there is more to this. Why is it that Donegall, Shaftsbury, Chichester etc are such prominent street names in Belfast? Was the Marquis and his family very prominent in building up the city itself? Was there some sort of urban planning scheme to create the city proper during this time?

Just interested.

smiley - cheerssmiley - stout

smiley - peacedoveWoodpigeon


Post 8

Demon Drawer

That I am getting to. They were the landlords of most of the city. That is going to get included.

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