A Conversation for Vegetarian Food For Meat-Eaters

Ital Food

Post 1

2 of 3

Seeing this talking point has inspired me start writing an article on Ital Food (A2818776).

Ital food is food that complies with rastafarian teachings. It is mostly vegetarian (although some stretch the limits to include fish) and prohibits the use of preservatives and processed foods . . . not even salt is allowed. Methods of preparation are natural as well - utensils made from natural materials and avoiding aluminium.

Its very tasty food because they use 100% natural ingredients, lots of herbs, spices, peas, nuts, coconut milk, etc.


Ital Food

Post 2


What's unnatural about aluminium and salt?

Ital Food

Post 3

2 of 3

They believe that aluminium can enter the body from traces in food and ingested aluminium its thought to be quite harmful (there's a link between aluminium and alzheimer's).

I don't think there is any proof that aluminium can enter the body through utensils but there's a lot of things that people believe that haven't been proven.

Most table salt is highly processed has chemical additives and very little of the original trace minerals. It is alo bleached to appear brilliant white.

Sea salt may be acceptable though . . . I'm not sure.


Ital Food

Post 4

fords - number 1 all over heaven

My cooking implements are wood and stainless steel smiley - ok

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