Media Mediocrity and the Death of Print

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A selection of of UK newspapers.

In his recently launched book, The Cult of the Amateur, Andrew Keen takes a close look at Web 2.0 technologies and the revolutionary effect they are having on culture and the media. Keen is troubled that traditional media formats and practices may be facing extinction, smothered by an ever-advancing wave of amateurish internet content. And he's not alone - with over 120,000 blogs being created every day (according to Technorati), you don't need the insight of someone like Keen to conclude that the web is awash with worthless words, ranging from recycled press releases and plagiarised commentary to 'advertorial' and, well, downright lies.

Printing words on paper rather than floating them out into cyberspace is no bona fide measure of integrity or accuracy, but amid this unregulated self-publishing epidemic, there's something about the physical format that feels reliably assured. But just how long before the printed word becomes consigned to the great hard drive of history? Webbies are already declaring print a moribund format, and many of today's young people just see books as stuffy, antiquated objects that clutter up their parents’ studies. Here at h2g2 however, we feel that books, magazines and the like have a little life left in them yet, and we'd like to know what you think too.

  • Do you buy magazines/newspapers regularly? If so, which ones?

  • Did you used to buy magazines and newspapers but have stopped of late?

  • Do you always spot advertorial a mile off, or do you occasionally get taken in by it?

  • How much of a problem is nepotism within journalism today? Is it more of problem in certain areas of the media than in others, such as the arts for example?

  • Do you own a blog? Are there a bunch of blogs that you regularly check out?

  • How much original thought do you think exists in the blogosphere? How much of what you read in blogs do you think has been plagiarised or, in many instances, directly copied?

  • Do you make much use of RSS feeds?

  • Do you find it difficult to digest articles properly when reading them on a screen? Do you sometimes end up printing them out anyway?

  • Do you think printed media will always be around, or are its days numbered?

  • When was the last time you snuggled up in bed with a good book?

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