Steak marinade using Papaya

2 Conversations

This is a great recipe for a steak marinade that I concoted after looking at meat tenderizer in the supermarket. I was looking at the ingredients of the meat tenderizer, because I was currious what the active ingredient was in Adolph's Meat Tenderizer, and was suprised to discover that Papaya was the Active ingredient. Papaya Contains a protien digesting enzyme that will quickly tenderize meat. I wouldn't recomend letting the steak sit in the mixture for more than 2 hours, otherwise the meat will littearly disolve. So here is the ingredients that I used, but feel free to try your own variation, and just remember that the active ingredient is the papaya.:

1 Large Papaya

2 heaping tablespoons garlic (I love garlic, so I use a bunch)

1 tablespoon of Liquid Smoke

1/2 Cup of Brown Sugar

1/2 Cup of Soy Sauce

1 tablespoon Cayenne Pepper

1/2 Cup Olive Oil

1/2 Cup Balsamic Vinegar

Salt & Pepper to taste (Soy sauce already contains some salt).

Take the Papaya and split in half, and then even quarter it if neccesary, and remove the black seeds. Place the Papaya in a large Bowl and mash it up with a blunt object (a Potato masher would be perfect for this). If you haven't already removed the skins do so now. take the remaining ingredients, and mix together with the Papaya in the bowl. Take the steak, and peirce alot of holes in it with a knife (so that the flavor, and the enzyme will penetrate deeply). Take the Steak and push it in the Papaya mixture, and then cover and refrigerate for no more than 2 hours (otherwise the steak will be too disolved to be enjoyable by most peoples taste, unless of course you have no teeth). Even tougher cuts of meat turn out well with this recipe, and the ones that I cooked could almost be cut easily with a fork alone. Share and Enjoy :)

Please note: While I was looking up Papaya in the encylopedia, I also discovered that this fruit is also sought after, because it produces latex. Those people that are allergic to latex should proceed with caution when using this recipe. My girlfriend is allergic to latex, and she did consume some of this concotion (before I realised that the fruit produces latex), and she said that she might have broken out in hives because of it. I felt fine.

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