Fifi's Boss-Bashing Page
Created | Updated Mar 2, 2005

Fifi's Boss-Bash, July 2004 - current
My current boss isn't so bad as the last one. But she's no saint either...
She chooses the best of everything for herself. Whether it's an office in our new building (which, admittedly, she has a right to) or crummy pieces of pizza, she is only looking out for number one. I respect that she has put in more years than I with this organization, but man, when it comes down to the little things and she is so focused on herself that she will bicker and dicker over $1.00 picture frames for our mission statement, I just want to scream!
I am not a workhorse! I am not paid to do manual labor! If she wants to bring her 200lb. stereo to work, great, but I am not here to haul the thing upstairs for her! I am not here to run downstairs and out of the building to bring her purse, planner or teaching bag (a different job) which she has left accidentally in the office to her while she sits in her car next to the building!
Fifi's Boss-Bash, February 2003 - January 2004
I know we all hate our bosses (and lucky you if you don't have to), but short of being a child-molester or a corporate lawyer, my ex-boss is the worst person on this planet.
She looks disgusting!
I tried to have empathy for her. Really. I did! She is certainly in a state of being for which one might have empathetic feelings- overweight with a belly that supports her (gag) breasts, thin and scraggly hair, ruddy complexion with facial features that are 15% smaller than they should be to fit her round face. Nobody likes her. Everyone should be liked by someone, right? Even after I started to hate her I would have moments of weakness when I wondered if this woman didn't just need someone to be friendly to her and if I shouldn't just try to be nice to her. Boy, I was way off.
She's got an attitude to match her looks!
She's a flying, blinding, trumpet-blowing, turn-stomping TWO-FACED HYPOCRITE. Her acts of evil have approached the fantastical heights of moral desecration of nature and humanity! She talks about everyone in the office behind their backs regarding their performance, their ideas, their appearance... She speaks out of both sides of her festering mouth on every occasion possible. She lies, lies, lies. She changes her expectations to suit her needs, which are always to elevate her own status and degrade somebody else.
You might be thinking that now I have gone and done one of the things I hated her for, i.e. talking about her behind her back. What she does, however, goes far beyond a some anonymous bashing. What I am pointing at with my poo-stick of hate is hypocrisy and attitude which could only be the result of a concentrated effort to flatter oneself, destroy one's enemies and piss off whoever doesn't qualify for one of those categories. I, on the other hand, am simply venting. There's a clear difference, right?
Bash Your Own Boss!
I plan on constructing more on this page, but in the meantime, feel free to bash your own boss by adding a comment to this entry. Updates will be made to include truly worthy rants!