THT Editors

2 Conversations

True HooToo - True HooToo EditorsA THT Editor Editing
The THT Editors are responsible for editing articles found by the THT Scouts so that they are at their most clear and presentable form. The THT Editors will then post a link on the EDITORS ONLY conversation using the form listed below.

If the Update Manager finds the new article worthy he will add it to the contents page and it can be voted for on the Best Article conversation.

How to become a THT Editor

To become a THT ditor you must first join as a THT Scout and find an article that is worthy of this project * then you must have it edited and put up in the contents page. After all this you can become a THT editor and will no longer need to perform your THT Scout duties, although you can be both a THT Scout and a THT Editor if you wish. Simply fill in the form below and submit it to apply for THT Editor status. There is no guarantee that you will be made a THT Editor however, if we have enough editors then you will be left as a THT Scout until more THT Scouts join and then you will be made a THT Editor (think of it as a waiting list)

I want to be a THT Editor. I am Scout:

and I have had the following article edited (if you have multiple edited articles choose your best one):

Article A Number:

I want to be a THT Scout as well Yes/No (delete if applicable)

THT Editor guidelines

THT Editors must edit articles on a first-come first-serve basis.

THT Editors must make the author aware that the article is being edited by an editor and show the autor any changes made.

THT Editors may not edit their own articles.

The Update Manager(s) has the right to refuse articles if they are not considered well-edited.

Any THT Editor caught abusing their jobs will be kicked from the project.

Because some of these guidelines may be a bit vague a guide to editing has been drawn up to be followed.

1. Upon recieving an article to edit the THT Editor will make an exact copy of the GuideML Code used (by using the testpage function) onto a replicate article. The article will bear th same name bu will have THT - Prefixed to it. e.g. Vogon Poetry Composition will become THT - Vogon Poetry Composition.

2. The THT Editor will then set about editing the article correctly. Th only edits allowed are those of format, the addition of new information (although not too much) and spelling corrections.

3. Finally the THT Editor will add "created by (Author's Name)" and a link to that author's userspace and post the new entry on the EDITORS ONLY conversation form below. There the Update Manager will read the article and point out any mistakes to the THT Editor. The editor will fix these mistakes and re post on that same thread.
I am THT Editor:

and I have edited the following article edited:

Article Name:

Article A Number:

Original Article A Number:

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