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1 Conversation

Alice in Wonderland

How do you get to Wonderland

Over the hill or underland

Or just behind a tree

That was a bit how I felt when I got the email telling me that I would now be part of the h2g2 Post team. Just imagine: I have now access to the 'behind the scenes', so to say. It still feels a bit odd, as if I was secretly reading stuff that's not meant for me. I know it's not, and the feeling will probably pass once I'm no longer so new to all this, but still.

And a busy time that was. After joining, lil, the other new volunteer, and me started working on the submissions for the last issue right away.

I'm late, I'm late for

A very important date.

No time to say hello, good-bye,

I'm late, I'm late, I'm late

I'm late and when I wave,

I lose the time I save.

That's how I felt next. But thanks to a bank holiday here on Wednesday, 03 October, I managed to get it all done after all.

My journal about this had numerous positive replies, even from people I don't otherwise talk to all that much.
lil started 'touting' for business in her journal, with a mainly positive feedback. We're now looking forward to a flood of submissions for the Post. smiley - winkeye

Then all of a sudden, PR got a boost and was full of interesting entries. Now, being a scout, and it being weekend with nothing else to do, I felt that I should read them all and make constructive comments. I didn't manage, it was just too much. Hooray for the new entries.

Meanwhile, 'behind some other scenes', Skankyrich did a lot of work and edited the AViators' homepage as well as producing some marvellous clips to get it going, resulting in the AViators homepage and the AViated entries being promoted on last weekend's Front Page.

Now I have intended to contribute to this scheme right from its start, but there are a few things that keep me from doing so. Apart from not having any software to edit whatever I'd do (which shouldn't be a problem, as Skankyrich offered to do the editing for me), I hate hearing a recording of my voice. Plus, I can never be sure to pronounce things correctly. What if something similar to the following incident happened again? It was at the last London Meet I went to:

'Alex, do you have Mina's1 mobile number?'

Alex: 'Whose number?'

Me: 'Mina's.'

Slience.Then, slightly reproachful:
'Oh, you mean Miiiiina! No, I don't have her number.'

At this point, I looked for the next stone to hide under.

But this shouldn't keep you from joining and getting active, after all, you're native speakers who don't have this sort of problem.

Oh, and talking of London Meets: don't forget that the next meetup is due on Saturday, 20 October 2007 (yes, that's only two days from now, 18.10.2007). If you haven't yet signed up, you can do so on the
London Autum Meet 2007 page

Random Ramblings


18.10.07 Front Page

Back Issue Page

1I pronounced it like i in ice.

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