The Instant Guide Entry

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So you've just joined H2G2 and you're at a loss for what to do next. "Well," you think to yourself, "I'll write an entry." So you get ready to write when it dawns on you: You don't know anything about anything. Those hours upon hours of time you spent at school doodling on your notebook while your teachers blathered on and on about something you could have cared less about now come back to haunt you.

You have have two choices: do what I did, namely, dig up that paper you wrote in English class on Hermes the Greek Messenger God1 or you can use my easy ready in minutes Instant Guide Entry

It's so easy! Just pick one of the choices when required and you'll have a guide entry in seconds flat.

(Pick one: The War of 1812, Cheese Whiz, Gary Coleman, Panama)

When you mention to someone (Pick one: The War of 1812, Cheese Whiz, Gary Coleman, Panama), the first thing that pops into their head is(Pick one: "that was a long time ago", "Yum!", "Whatchou talkin' 'bout, Willis?", The Panama Canal). But there's much more to it than that.


(Pick one: The War of 1812, Cheese Whiz, Gary Coleman, Panama) was (Pick one: started, invented, born, founded) in (Pick a year that sounds reasonable, but remember Gary is a lot older than he looks)
when (Pick one: The British began attacking American ships and impressing their sailors2, someone said,"why not cheese in a can?", Mommy and Daddy Coleman had a little to much to drink, Panama broke away, I think).

It then went on to (Pick one: end in a truce with neither side gaining anything, become a popular snack, star on Different Strokes, get a canal)


Today, (Pick one: The War of 1812, Cheese Whiz, Gary Coleman, Panama)is mainly known for (Pick one: being in history books, being the snack that's perfect for any occasion. Go buy some at your local grocery store, being short and running for Governor of California (along with about everyone else in California, a few from Nevada, and Hilary Clinton), The Panama Canal)

And by the way, (Pick one: The War of 1812 may seem boring but...ok, it's boring, Cheese Whiz is low on carbs! Buy cheese whiz now! Cheese whiz is Life!, pretty much everyone on Different Strokes went to jail for some reason or another, Panama hats are not, as the name suggests, from Panama.)

And that's it!

Wasn't that easy? Sure it was! Now go post your entry. You're on your way to becoming a great (How about good? Would you believe mediocre?) researcher!
1You can find mine here2The British would often juggle flaming batons or do acrobatics. The Americans were quite impressed

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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