More Quotes
Created | Updated Sep 9, 2004
"I've lost the bleeps the sweeps and the creeps"
-Radar Man 1
"F- even in the future nothing works!"
-Dark Helmut
"Yogart? I HATE yogart. Even with strawberries"
-Dark Helmut
"No Sir I didn't see you playing with your dolls"
-Colonel Sanders
"They've gone to plad"
-Barf, the Mog
"I'm Barf, I'm a mog, you know half man half dog, I'm my own best friend"
-Barfolamual, the Mog
"Say goodbye to your two best friends, and I don't mean the ones in the Winabego"
-Dark Helmut
"[Doctor]We need to get these people to a hospital
[Flight Attendent]What is it?
[Doctor]It's a big building where they treat sick people, but that's not important right now"
"How do I get out of this chicken s*** outfit"
-Terran Marine
"Who set all these lab monkeys free?"
-Terran Science Vessel Commander
"You want a piece of me boy?"
-Terran Marine
"Your taunts are ill advised Templar"
-Protoss Dark Templar
"You could no more evade my wrath than you could your own shadow"
-Protoss Dark Templar
"I've already checked you out commander"
-Terran Medic
The Princess Bride
"My name is Inigo Montoya, you have killed my father, prepare to die!"
-Inigo Montoya
"I'll do it in my free time"1
"Nature and Nature's laws lay hidden in the night:
God said 'Let Newton be' and all was light.
-Alexander Pope
Later Sir John Sauire added:
It did not last: the Devil howling 'Ho!'
'Let Einstein be' restored the status quo"
-Sir John Sauire