A Conversation for The meaning of life, the universe and everything.

It doesn't say...

Post 1


It doesn't say in the bible that we should kill murderers. It says to love your enemies. It's human logic that tells us to kill murderers, and perhaps some other religions, but don't you think even human logic can be classified as a religion anyway? Some people choose religion as a way of having hope in desperate times, or as a form of self-identification, or as an illustration of their culture, or as a way of interpreting everything they live, breathe and see. All education is a form of indoctrination so regardless of religion I say we are all as brainwashed as each other. We're lucky we get a chance to choose what we brainwash ourselves with!!smiley - cheerup

It doesn't say...

Post 2


Someone doesn't know the bible very well.

Read Leviticus. It is also repeated several times in other books.

It doesn't say...

Post 3


Good point, but it definitely says by jesus wot i said too. Do you think it contradicts itself? smiley - erm

smiley - spider

It doesn't say...

Post 4


Do cows eat grass?

Of course the bible contradicts itself.
The old testament spoke of opression on the jews part.
The new testament glorifies a person who fought the opression, and quite rightly so.

How any church leader can say that all of the bible is important, i'll nevr know.

Many religions would call me a heretic. I am saying that something sorted out this universe, but as i have pointed out quite clearly, one event leads to another, and if all factors are known you can give a 100% accurate predicition of the future.

This means that whatever started the universe hasn't iterfered since.
The task wich we will carry out is hidden deep within us, but it is there. Each person has a role to play, each person is a chess piece.
So in a way, god has already told us what to do, i.e. the meaning of our lives is specific per person. This of course pending the research on the existance of God.
In reality, the god described in both parts of the bible is extreemly unlikely to exist. Especialy since false beliefs wrote it.

I am here to start people thinking in a different way, like Jesus.
Think of me as this milenia's equivalent of the messiah.
Just like Jesus, i will at some point be killed by some fanatic, or organisation, but the meaning of life must be known by all.
Everyone has a right to know the tasks which are assigned to them.
Everone has a right to know their fate, at least in the world i'm hoping to conceive.
I won't see it grow up, but in the end it will be worth it.
Peoples right to discover who they are as a person is compromised as long as religions continue to follow the words of the bible.

People have got to find out what the universe/God has in store for them. And they won't find that out from someone else. As i have always said, you are the proof of a meaning of life, you are the meaning of life. So as jesus and his true followers did, fight the opression! The bible must be stopped.

All i can do is give people the choice between freedom and opression.
They've got to make that descision. Most people will be happy following a false profit rather than doing what god had intended.

It doesn't say...

Post 5


How did you come to think all this? Is it something you've read widely about or is it a form of enlightenment revealed only to you? Does anyone else think this way? Does the responsibility for transforming people's thinking rest solely with you? Hope you don't mind so many questions, just curious. I haven't heard anyone else thinking this way before.

smiley - spider

It doesn't say...

Post 6


I suppose i've never accepted the answers: because, it's unpredictable, it is logical, the universe sits on the edge of a tiny string, Stephen Hawking worked it out, maths has all the answers, science has all the answers.........

My own life seems to follow my theory of life.
An IQ of 156 coupled with an interest in the world around me coupled with a special imagination allowed me to piece together ideas from various people rather like patchwork. The world gave me the patches, i just had to put them together.

Reading helped but imagination allowed me to take things much further than their creator could. (because their creator was logical in the maths sense)
Enlightenment came with the imagination....My mind is a logic all of its own.

Many people have tried but they all seem to go off on a tangent at one point or another. I guess circumstances forced me to mould myself. I haven't bonded with anyone much not even my parents (they aren't my biological ones, and even my real parents aren't people i'd want to become) So i have let my mind guide me.

Becuse the circumstances and genetic lineage was unique to me, i gues i'm the only person who can see this way.
Although some people come close, they always go off on a tangent.

What i have done is set the ball rolling towards the goal again, but people need to not be afraid to look through the mist at the goal, and help the ball on its way.

I can plant an idea, change your line of thought, help science to reach beyond the stars, but people have got to spread the word themselves, and they've got to find this out for themselves.
I can help them to get their by providing inspiration.

But i guess, the responsibility of getting the theories out of my head and down on paper rests squarely on my shoulders. But i NEED help in spreading at least the theory of life.

A book, a web page, an article in a magazine or newspaper, maybee the BBC would use a few ideas in a programme, word of mouth, anything to get the message around the globe.

The world is going to be a very nasty place to live in if we don't change our way of thinking soon.

I couldn't die knowing that i could have done something to help the situation.

On a positive note, if enough people take an interest, i could turn out to be one of the, if not thee greatest person that ever lived.
Changing the whole world is possible as long as everyone is willing.

Like i said i started the ball rolling, now the ball needs to travel across the field and into the goal.

no-one has heard anyone else thinking this way before i gues it's time they did!

Does this answer your questions?

It doesn't say...

Post 7


Interesting. Especially the fact that you have chosen not to become overly close to anyone. Do you think this enhances your creativity? I can relate to this. What is your guess about people wanting to change? Do you think it's likely? What is it that will make them choose to believe you over someone else, and their existing beliefs? I think that everyone believes something, it's just that some people aren't aware of what it is they believe. or they think they believe one thing, but in fact they believe something else.smiley - erm

It doesn't say...

Post 8


If i am not close to anyone i can live my life as i was meant to. I will not be emotionally pulled away from listening to the tasks in my mind.

I can feel what it is i am meant to do. I can be my own person, in a manner of speaking.
Sure, it enhances my creativity. I write more complex music than Beethoven, Rachmaninoff, Bach, tchaikovsky, Ravel and Lizst put together in one person. I'd love to prove it if you doubt me.
I could write a new piano piece just for you at no cost in about 4 hours.

The theory allows people to discover their humanity, to discover the purpose of their life and the universe around them.
Once people are free from opression to see this, they will choose it over opression.

Let me ask you this.
Knowing now that you have a series of tasks to carry out, and that the meaning of life is just that, how do your beliefs now compare with your beliefs before you heard of me?

I know the theory needs a lot of work but with so many things in my mind at once its difficult to concentrate on one thing for more than a few days. My mind is constantly churning, throwing out new theories.
I know i can't build rome in a day, but i could probably undermine its foundations within 24 hours.

So go on and tell me about what you thought before and how you think now.

It doesn't say...

Post 9


I can't change what I've believed all my life in one day, and I wouldn't expect anyone else to either. However, what I believe has always been evolving I suppose you could say, as I learn more about myself, people and the world around us. What I believe is a really personal thing, I treasure it more than anything else in the world because it is the very thing that defines who I am and determines everything I will do and become. I can't tell you how, or even if, what you believe has influenced me simply because I am not yet sure of it myself but when I am I will do my best to explain. Beliefs are complicated things. I could tell you some of the things I believe but then you would only have part of a very big picture and so of course I would be misunderstood and that's one thing I get so sick of. So please excuse me for not being willing to go there right now. But I will keep thinking about it. smiley - spider
I am particularly fond of Lizst, especially Liebestraum. It is hard to believe you could write something as profound (sorry, just being honest). I'd love to hear what you have written. What instruments do you play?

It doesn't say...

Post 10


The piano of course.

If i find your e-mail adress i'll send you the midi files for my 9th piano concerto.

All of my work can be found at www.classicalarchives.com

It doesn't say...

Post 11


OK, I'll go there sometime and check it out. I was wondering if you played other instruments as well. Excuse my ignorance, but how many different instruments do you write for when you compose a concerto? Just curious.

It doesn't say...

Post 12


it depends on what sound i want to produce.

For example the 9th involves just a few groups.

The average amount i would want playing concertos is around 50 with anything ranging from 6-16 parts.

It has been said that the only person who could have played any of them was lizst himself, so much for live performances in my lifetime!

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