Side-notes on something...

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Not entirely sure what I'm going to put here...ah well it's early days yet. Hello if you're reading this, please don't go just yet. Stay a while and chat. I don't bite. Honestly.

So I'm trying to think of something to write for those lovely ladies lil and Bel in the Post but I can't think of a dashed thing, so I'm going to just prattle away here and hope some topic arises like a phoenix from the flames.

...Anything? No. Ah well, we soldier on... Nothing ventured nothing gained and all that.

i first thought of doing an interview column, but Psycorp has that pretty much licked. I don't have the attention span or commitmen for a serial or the talent for cartoons and poetry, so I'm pretty much stuck.

About the only thing I'm good at is prattling on about nothing much in particular and plenty of people have that particular niche down pat anyway.

Didle diddle dum...

Still here? Nothing better to do? You and me both...

Until I think of something very deep and meaningful to say, this will have to do. I can be deep and meaningful, you know. Serious too if the need takes me. Look. *Puts on his most seriousest face* Convinced now? Good. But I don't like to be serious, any more than I like to be sane. They're both so dull. I suppose there's not getting away from it though is there?

...Is there actually any point to me writing any of this? I didn't think so either but it's whiling the time away. Whiling or whittling? they're both good.

Good grief, I can't half go off on a tangent sometimes... And you thought the regular Hootoo topic drift was bad. It ran a mile when it met me. *Chuckles* So did Elton though, but since he was on his ickle hampster treadmill that just made the servers work faster. Hmm there's a thought...

Any way thank you for being a good audience and not speaking out of turn. I appreciate that, you know. Not many good listeners these days. Anyway if you've made it this far and your head hasn't exploded why not pop me a little comment down at the bottom there and tell me what you thought? It won't take long and I'd be ever so grateful. I may even consider writing another if I get enough nice comments about this one.

Anyway toodle oo for now, and I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it.

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