A Conversation for Fencing

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Post 1


....mention the electric equipment, it seems to be de riguer at competitions, and poss get rid of the need for the judges (well the comp's I have been to with the 'lecky equipment, never had the judges smiley - smiley
BCNU - Crescent

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Post 2


Ah - fair point.Somehow it slipped my mind!
Damn stuff beeps a lot tho...
Cheers smiley - smiley

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Post 3


Especially if it is in bad repair smiley - smiley Tho' I like the big coppery piste to stop the weapons from sounding hits on the floor smiley - smiley
BCNU - Crescent

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Post 4


Coppery piste eh...? Don't know about that one I'm afraid!
Only started last September (but I do enjoy it a lot, honest) so I tend to miss things occasionally...

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Post 5


It is great fun isn't it smiley - smiley I used to do it at uni, and once fit enough I will return smiley - smiley The coppery piste is like a big roll up piste. Once unrolled the bout is fought on it - better defined than the usual tape piste. When attached to the rest of the equipment (well I imagine it needs to be atteached) it will stop the 'lectrics going off when the point of the foil hits the ground - so the fence can continue for longer smiley - smiley without all the stopping and starting smiley - smiley
BCNU - Crescent

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Post 6


Sounds pretty cool smiley - smiley
The reason I hate the beeps is because during our fencing club's last match (which we lost to Southampton 19-8!) I had to act as scorekeeper which meant that I was the person actually responsible for creating the things! smiley - sadface
Never mind, eh?
Oh, how do I credit you as a researcher on the Entry? There doesn't seem to be a help item about it!

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Post 7


My thanks for including me smiley - smiley - If you just include a thanks section on the end and put the name in, when it is sub-eded then sub-ed will pick it up. If you GuideML it as a link is even better smiley - smiley TVM (again smiley - smiley
BCNU - Crescent

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Post 8


Thanks for your thanks! smiley - bigeyes
Still, the electric stuff is pretty fundamental in the whole sword-waving thing!
And why haven't I been Greeted yet??
smiley - sadface

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Post 9


I have now greeted you formally smiley - smiley Tho' as you have been around it was not the full speil smiley - smiley
BCNU - Crescent

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Post 10


Thanks for the greeting. I was beginning to feel a bit left out!!

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