Klingon Grammer: Nouns

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smiley - planetsmiley - starsmiley - ufosmiley - starsmiley - planetsmiley - starsmiley - ufosmiley - starsmiley - planetsmiley - starsmiley - ufosmiley - starsmiley - planetsmiley - starsmiley - ufosmiley - starsmiley - planetsmiley - starsmiley - ufo


List of Contents:
1.More and Less Important, 2.Plural, 3.Qualification (a. So-called, b. Apparent, c. Definite)

More and Less Important:

To make a noun more important or more powerful just add the ending ‘a’ on to the end. EX. If power = woQ --> ultimate power = woQ’a’. To make a noun less important just add the ending -Hom on to the end of the word. EX. If wind/breeze = SuS- --> wisp of air = SuSHom OR if peace = roj --> truce/temporary peace = rojHom.


To make a noun plural just add –pu’ on the end of the word. EX. If officer = yaS --> officers = yaSpu’. Be careful not to add the plural when it’s not necessary. Just as in English you may say We are officers = yaSpu’ maH, but you may not say I am officers = yaSpu’ jiH. Pu’ is a plural used for beings capable of speech. Ex. Officers = yaSpu’ OR Emissaries = Duypu’. –Du’ is the plural used for body parts. Ex. Feet = qamDu’ OR nostrils = tlhonDu’. –mey is a general usage plural. Ex. Planets = yuQmey OR Colonies = mIDmey.–mey can also be used for plural if it is implying that the noun is all over the place. Ex. puq = child --> puqpu’ = children --> puqmey = children all over the place. Some words do not require an ending simply because some words are completely different form their plural version. Ex. Thrusters = chuyDalt --> thruster = vIj or torpedoes = cha --> torpedo = peng. However –mey can be added to the end of one of these words to make it mean that the thing is scattered all over the place. Ex. DoSmey = targets scattered all about OR pengmey = torpedoes all over the place. The –mey ending is added to the singular version of the word, not the plural.


The ending -qoq is used when the speaker is not entirely sure. Ex. so-called peace = rojqoq, implies that the peace is not sincere/will not endure.


Using the ending -Hey indicates that the speaker is pretty sure of what they are saying but still has some doubts. Example scenario: If the scanner on a Klingon ship senses an object and the officer reporting the object assumes but is not sure that the object is a ship he would probably say an apparent vessel = DujHey.


Use of the -na’ ending indicates that the speaker is absolutely positive about what they are saying. Example scenario: Once the klingon has mentioned the above and is now sure the object is a ship he may say ‘a definite vessel’ OR ‘undoubtedly a vessel’ = Dujna’.

Small Disclaimer

Please note that it is with a large thank you to Marc Orkand and his Klingon Dictionary that this entry is made possible. This is not in anyway meant to step on anyones toes, and this entry could not have been made possible without 'The Klingon Dictionary'.

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