Sam "Knuckles O’Rourke

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*Sam O’Rourke, otherwise known to his victims as “Knuckles," stomps up to the door of his next victim.*


*Some rustling in the household, and some cursing can be heard as its 1:43 in the morning.*

*Three locks click the unlock position, the door swings open.*

[Billy]Ya...what do you want.....OH *As a foot flies right into Billy "Goldtooth" Shampton.*

*Billy flies back and hits a painting hanging on the wall. THe painting falls down in senquence.*

*Sam O’Rourke walks into the nimble little home. You can hear each individual knuckles pop as his call sign.*

[Billy] not you...anybody but you.

You've been a bad boy Billy. Bad enough to get Mr. Big angry at you.

[Billy]No please.....ill give you anything! Anything you want!!!! Just spare me please!!!!!

*Billy begins to squirm on the floor beggining for his pathetic little life.*

Mr. Big told me to tell you, that you had your chance when you took 50,000 dollars from him <or her :P>.

*Billy's eyes and skin turn to a pale white, as he realizes...hes going to die tonight.*

*Sam O’Rourke bends down and punches Billy a few times.*

*Billy is fighting for his life, but is not doing anything to the built up muscleman.*

*Sam O’Rourke, picks up Billy and throws him into a mirror. Glass shatters to the floor as 12 weapons of glass become available to Billy.*

*Luckily Sam was trained by the best masters of the fighting world, saw Billy reach for the glass. In a swift move...Billy had the broken glass in his hand and Sam steppng on his hand, breaking ever bit of glass into Billy's hand.*

*Billy screams of pain. And all Sam can do is laugh an evil sadistic laugh.*

*Sam decides to finish this. He picks up Billy by the head. Both hands gripping Billy's little corupted head.*

[Billy]Oh god please NO!!!!!!!!


It's not god thats going to do this...

*Slams Billy's head right through the wall. Billy is instantly killed. His legs squirming from the nerve endings in his neck. Sam let's go of the head and the body is a full foot off the floor stuck in the wall.*


*Picks up a few things and leaves.*


*At Mr Bigs, mansion house. Sam O’Rourke shows up.*

[Big]Is it done?

Yes sir...

[Big]Do you have it?

Yes sir...

*Lays down the objects that were of value to Mr Big. A golden ring with a ruby encrusted on it. A samurai katana over 500 years old. And a exetremely nice pair of daggers that were stolen from an art musem.*

[Big]Ahh, you may keep the katana and daggers. For a job well done.

Thank you sir.

*Sam O’Rourke picks up the weapons with gleeful satisfaction.*

[Big]Oh and one more thing I have another mission for you.

...........To Be Continued............

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