A Conversation for The Wheels on the Bus

The Danish version

Post 1


The song about the wheels of the bus is also well-known to the Danish children. The Danish text is as follows, meaning the exact same:

Hjulene på bussen drejer
rundt, rundt, rundt
rundt, rundt, rundt
rundt, rundt, rundt
Hjulene på bussen drejer
rundt, rundt, rundt
hele dagen lang

However, the Danish children also sing another song about bus-rides with a morbid twist:

Vores busschauffør kan ikke køre bus
vores buschauffør kan ikke køre bus
Når han kører ned ad bakken,
får han hjulene i nakken;
vores buschauffør kan ikke køre bus.

Meaning something like:

The driver of the bus doesn't know how to drive it (X2)
When it goes down the hill,
the wheels hit his neck;
The driver of the bus...

It is probably possible to extract some theory about Danish children and/or ditto busdrivers from this...

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The Danish version

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