A Conversation for Consuming Alcohol During Pregnancy, The Consequences.
very interesting
azahar Started conversation Jun 2, 2004
hi zoomer,
A well-written and informative piece (imho). There was one thing here:
Should there be an 'and' after 'deficits'? Also I wondered if the title should include the meaning of FASD.
I am surprised that there is 'no known safe level of alcohol consumption' during pregnancy. One of my friends used to swear by a nightly glass of to relax her when she was pregnant and her baby was born totally healthy. My mother is an alcoholic and presumably drank quite a bit during her pregnancies. And while some of us *may* show some symptoms of ARND, these symptoms seem rather general and could also be related to other causes.
Happily it seems to be a growing trend these days to give up all alcohol during pregnancy.
your links aren't showing up as links
very interesting
rev. paperboy (god is an iron) Posted Jun 2, 2004
excellent work zoomer, very factual and concisely written. Well done - I hope it gets into the edited guide quickly.
very interesting
clzoomer- a bit woobly Posted Jun 2, 2004
Thank you. Come on over to here F48874?thread=428722&post=5402342#p5402342 to join more helpful suggestions.
very interesting
azahar Posted Jun 2, 2004
hi sweetie,
I did pop over there but they are all using big words and stuff so I don't feel like I have anything to add.
very interesting
clzoomer- a bit woobly Posted Jun 2, 2004
And I was hoping I wasn't getting too technical! I think if it's to wordy or whatever that is my fault because the whole point was me trying to explain that which I had read and understood myself. Oh, well...
Oh, and the the extra *and* isn't extra because the *impaired* is a modifier for the remaining words. There! That's some big words fer ya!
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very interesting
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