A Conversation for Star Wars 1 - not that bad actually...


Post 1


You've really done a lot of work convincing the crowd that EpisodeI wasn't a terrible piece of film after all... And I completely agree with you - I don't understand why people are complaining about it... It's not a masterpiece, but a very good and entertaining film - and I believe everyone who enjoyed the first films did get that nostalgic feeling already when the main title-music was heard in the beginnig! smiley - smiley


Post 2

Arnold, Friget, Dwiezel and Strilla

I knew it! When I saw the word "sweeet" I knew it was you! And I found it all by myself!!!
Ian, you're no fan. You're a FREAK! If you want to, but if you don't, you're not. You don't have to be, if you don't want to. Except if you're weak minded, then someone can make you a freak. I'm a freak.
I don't have to add anything to what Alien said. She said it so beautifully and she's so right. But one thing she forgot (or didn't want to put it here). The music in Episode 1: OH MY GOD!!! Excellent! Williams a genious!!!

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