The people of Earth are posessed of one of the queerest minds of any species in the galaxy. Many of these primate's descendants find the most abject and irreleavant things entertaining, such as the idea of watching two mature human males don padded handgear and attempt to cause unconciousness in one another by making rough and violent contact with said handgear. Another of their 'good shows' is the practise of bringing ordinary humans on to stages set with bright lights and fantastical geometeric shapes, to be faced with aged men with falsely bright smiles and false cranial follical replacements, who endeavor to puzzle the aforementioned ordinary humans by asking them a series of random and often bizzare questions. Should the ordinary human guess wrongly the answer, the false man with the frightening smile is apt to make the human leave the stage; should the question be answered correctly, however, the human is rewarded with absurd amounts of money and/or impossibly expensive prizes.
Yet another wierd Earth ritual that many humans find entertaining is the showing of aged men in silly pantaloons hitting a ridiculously tiny ball with an absurdly shaped stick and then walking across a picturesque, groomed lawn after the ridiculously tiny ball. If the aged man in the silly pantaloons manages to steer the ridiculously tiny ball into an appropriate hole, he is often rewarded with absurd amounts of money. For some reasons humans find this entertaining.
If ever you happen to be in the Human sector of the Milky Way for any extended amount of time, may I suggest avoiding the above forms of, ahem, 'entertainment'.
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