The Kamino Fleet: Battlefleet Vigilance

2 Conversations

Battlefleet Vigilance was created for the soul purpose of protecting Kamino from hostile forces. The strict laws being inforced in the wake of the death of Prime Minister Tow'nee1 have led to an influx in defence spending to ensure that similiar incidents do not happen again.

The Tiger Claw,
The Sword of Warriors, Ever Vigilant
- Taken from the side of The Tiger Claw

Crew Compliment:- 4000 personel, 1000 troopers

Current Status:- Active

Mission log:-
Kamino- Patrol Kamino space. Attack any hostiles.

Brief Summary

The Tiger Claw is the third ship in the New established Kamino fleet. Unlike its predeccesors The Hammerhead and The Ice Queen, the Tiger Claw is not an all duty ship. The focus of the Tiger Claw is defence and offence, and it has little ability to act as a peace keeping vessel.

Its name is a referance to the current field marshal of the Kamino troops. It dirives from the Hrosma tigers; creatures which use the force to hunt there pray.

The current captain2 Tiger Claw is the flagship of Battlefleet Vigilance under the stern and brutal command of Admiral T'zu Ch'kov. A ruthless and bloodthirsty man3 he is relentless in both following orders and destroying an enemy. He is a tall brooding man, with sleak black hair to match that of his black uniform.


The Tiger Claw is an exceptional capital ship. With its massed Laser Cannon batteries, the ship is capable of facing off against some of the strongest vessels in the galaxy easily. Several salvos from the Tiger claws Laser Cannons will cripple most ships, with its front facing torpedo bays ready to finish off any opponent.

90 Laser Cannons

20 Torpedo Bays

15 Turbo-Laser Batteries

However, apart from the Turbo-Laser Batteries, all the Tiger Claws armaments face forwards. Although this means that any foe attacking from the rear would have no trouble crippling the Tiger Claw, from the front all but the Super Star Destroyers could stand a full assault.

The ship carries a small compliment of troopers who act as bodyguards for Admiral Ch'kov. These bodyguards are ruthless killers, and will defend Ch'kov to the death if necessary. They are also tasked with repelling borders, and attacking enemy ships if the need arises.

The Stars Resplendant, Ever Vigilant
- Taken from the side of The Stars Resplendant

Crew Compliment:- 4000 personel.

Current Status:- Active

Mission log:-
Kamino- Patrol Kamino space. Attack any hostiles.

Brief Summary

The Stars Resplendant is second ship in battlefleet Vigilance. Its armaments mimic that of the Tiger Claw, and it is suggested that the Tiger Claw was originally the same as that of the Star resplendant and its sister ships the Sea Resplendant, but was at some point marked out as a different ship.
The ship is clearly a battleship, like all ships in Battlefleet Vigilance.


Like the Tiger claw, the Stars Resplendant boasts an impressive armoury capable of taking on most enemy ships, including large battleships if acting with the rest of the fleet. It has a more extensive turbo-laser battery, and these extra weapons face mainly to the rear, making it an all round ship of the line.
75 Laser Cannons

10 Torpedo Bays

25 Turbo-Laser Batteries

The Sea Resplendant, Ever Vigilant
- Taken from the side of The Sea Resplendant

Crew Compliment:- 4000 personel.

Current Status:- Active

Mission log:-
Kamino- Patrol Kamino space. Attack any hostiles.

Brief Summary

The Sea Resplendant is second ship in battlefleet Vigilance. Its armaments mimic that of the Tiger Claw, and copies that of its sister ship The Stars Resplendant, and it is suggested that the Tiger Claw was originally the same as that of the Star resplendant and its sister ship the Stars Resplendant, but was at some point marked out as a different ship.
The ship is clearly a battleship, like all ships in Battlefleet Vigilance.


Like the Tiger claw, the Sea Resplendant boasts an impressive armoury capable of taking on most enemy ships, including large battleships if acting with the rest of the fleet. It has a more extensive turbo-laser battery, and these extra weapons face mainly to the rear, making it an all round ship of the line.
75 Laser Cannons

10 Torpedo Bays

25 Turbo-Laser Batteries

1Post-humously convicted criminal2The Tiger Claws first captain, Essa, has been transfered to the Ice Queen3He has been known to execute officers for incompetence

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