Found in a bottle in an antique shop

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I don't know if anyone

will ever read this,

but I have used a dictionary to try to get this right.
I don't know where I am, but I have used an atlas to try to
get an idea of where I would like to be if I could be where I
want to.

My name was Ivin P. Blurd. I don't know what is is now.
I have been away from who I am for so long that I don't know
who I am or what I should be. I think I am a worm wriggling in
mud while the sun dries us both out.

Somewhere elseout, I used to have a family. Three sons, a daughter, a dog, two cats and a wife. I used to remember their names, but the sun has washed that away. I remember the cookie jar, though, it was in the shape of a prawn.

If anyone finds this, if anyone reads this, please forward this to #133 Ghorghilflinger Lane, Tither Thrick, Suffering, England.

If any of my personal possessions still exist, please pawn them and take the proceeds and buy an icebox, one of those new-fangled ones with the little door you slide back so you can get ice cubes in your tumbler.

Signed, Erika C. Nurd, somewhere south of Qatar, 1977

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