The most useless phrase in any Earth language

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The most useless phrase in any Earth language (and consequently, the one I am in the process of collecting) is the phrase "I am Cheese." However, the fun associated in uttering the phrase in any language is quite heavier than the uselessness of it, and thus outweighs the use factor by several tons. Imagine the possibilities of knowing how to say "I am Cheese" in fourteen languages (which is my current count): being able to walk up to a Persian ambassador and saying, with a graceless bow and a piece of garlic in your teeth, "Paneer am", and the joy of knowing that he understood you! The ability to go to Paris and approach any attractive younger woman, with whom you would totally fail to get off with under any other circumstance, and with a sexy smile saying "je sui fromage". NOT only would she understand you straight off, but she might even grace the air with a pretty laugh at your expence!

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