A Conversation for Starting an Internet Server - a beginner's guide

Writing Workshop: A2631278 - Starting an Internet Server - a beginner's guide

Post 1


Entry: Starting an Internet Server - a beginner's guide - A2631278
Author: KeiKun - U727590

I've just joined today and so I'm not sure if this is quite up to par. I've read a few articles here and there and feel that perhaps, with a bit more work, this could be an in the Edited Version.

A2631278 - Starting an Internet Server - a beginner's guide

Post 2

RFJS__ - trying to write an unreadable book, finding proofreading tricky

I don't know about the subject, so I can't comment on that, but I can tell you that Entries written with a view to getting them into the Edited Guide can't contain first-person references, so those will have to go. Typically Entries get scoured thoroughly once they reach Peer Review; the Writing Workshop, on the other hand, can be positively too quiet. Don't be put off; you seem to be capable of getting this ready for Peer Review without much help. (There's a lot of useful stuff on C744.)

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Writing Workshop: A2631278 - Starting an Internet Server - a beginner's guide

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