A Conversation for Critical Rationalism
A262739 - Critical Rationalism
Twophlag Gargleblap - NWO NOW Started conversation Sep 5, 2000
I thought I'd throw this one into the ring for some discussion.
I think it's a nifty little mind-bender of a piece about how we go around arriving at our conclusions about the question of life, the universe, and everything.
A262739 - Critical Rationalism
Crescent Posted Sep 5, 2000
I liked this when I originally read it, and I like it know This would be a good choice for the Edited Guide
What more can you say.....
BCNU - Crescent
A262739 - Critical Rationalism
amdsweb Posted Sep 5, 2000
Bah! Is there anywhere not visited by Crescent?!?
I'll use my stat answer: I agree with Crescent on that one.
- Adam
A262739 - Critical Rationalism
h2g2 auto-messages Posted Dec 11, 2000
Editorial Note: This thread has been moved out of the Peer Review forum because it's already in the Edited Guide.
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A262739 - Critical Rationalism
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