Making Web Pages

1 Conversation

The view of most people on this subject is very negative. Most people think that it is something that only professional programmers or those with a natural gift could do something like make a web site. This is not the case as making web pages is easier than you can imagine. Learning simple HTML, the code for the pages, can be
done in a days work and all that is needed is a simple notepad document. You can even get easy to use editors to help you with the code. Also, there are loads of wysiwys ( what-you-see-is-what-you-get) editors like microsoft front page. To use these you dont even have to know the code! There are several good web sites that
explain the code. For example, is worth looking at as it is detailed and easy to use. I myself have been making my own site on computer games for the playstation. . i was able to make
this site in a matter of days. In my spare time. So you see, making web pages is only getting easier and it is very satisfiying to know that among the thousands of web pages, there is one that you made.

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