A Conversation for Leadership (Part 4): Steady as she goes....

Alternative Writing Workshop: A26237531 - Leadership (Part 4): Steady as she goes....

Post 1

sinnerman pfank

Entry: Leadership (Part 4): Steady as she goes.... - A26237531
Author: sinnerman - U9260985

Evening All

part 4 of ~12


A26237531 - Leadership (Part 4): Steady as she goes....

Post 2

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

I like this one the best, so far.

It could stand alone.smiley - smiley

A26237531 - Leadership (Part 4): Steady as she goes....

Post 3


This works well as a satire on modern management styles and I agree with Dmitri that it could stand alone smiley - smiley.

I would recommend changing one of the two uses of the word 'quickly'in the lines beginning 'All the lifeboats were quickly lowered.'

A26237531 - Leadership (Part 4): Steady as she goes....

Post 4


It's a pity it's gone. Back to Entry?


A26237531 - Leadership (Part 4): Steady as she goes....

Post 5

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor


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