The Petersfield School (TPS)
Created | Updated May 21, 2003
The Peterfield School is situated in, not suprisingly, Petersfield. Petersfield is a medium sized town in Hampshire, UK. It is a Secondary School, meaning it takes stundents in years 7 to 11 (aged 11 to 16). It used to have a Sixth Form but it closed due to a lack of students wanting to enroll there.
The school was failing and a new headteacher was brought in. This was Mrs Kathy Bell. She served the school as headteacher for many years before resigning with poor health. She improved the school until it now rivals the local Private Schools with exam results and has many proud students and teachers.
When she left one of the Deputy Headteachers, Mr Forest, stood in as Acting Headteacher. When he left at the end of that year the new headteacher, Mr Nigel Poole, joined the school. He has since started making a lot of changes to the school and they continue to improve the surroundings.
The School consists of eight buildings containing various classrooms, labs, IT rooms and other rooms, such as Drama stages and sports Halls. The Buildings are split into different "blocks" all containing one subject or groups of subjects. There are now six IT rooms, five of which are connected to the TPS LAN, and through that, the internet. The sixth is a science lab on its own network. Science also has multiple, fully equiped labs. Each with gas taps, some with fume cupboards and all with various other equipment from Bunsen Burners to Retort Stands.