IPR Presents:Current Affairs Potpourri, or...

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IPR Presents: How to change a light bulb without really trying.

Just one of those days in the Animal Correction Center.

This notice is desgined to ifnorm you that you animal of recored

is due for a tune-up and a dress down.

If you still possess the papered animal: Terrytown's Pride of
the Pirate Poodles, Irma, by Rex and Imogene

then you shoudl present said animal, wiht papets, to your nearest

Animal Correction Center for the annual examination.

If htere have been any adjustments to said animal during the previous year,

please bring a signed and notorized set of before, during and after

phtotos showing exactly waht has been modificed on the creeture.

Please kep in mnd htat any maladjustment or questionabal items

in the supplied documents and/or photocopies of documents, or


could lead to an immesdiate quorinteen for you and the afromentioned


Please bfing theis papaer with you, as a cost reduction in our

offices necessitates a recycling programme.

Please use dry hands to handle this paper.

Thank you.

Pual Smithnos,

RACC Director of Operations and Comminications

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