Quake 3

5 Conversations

You know when you've been playing Quake 3 too much when.......

you move your hand to turn your head
you have a small red dot in the centre of your normal vision.
you hear the words 'Unreal Tournament' and immediately shout "Quake 3 is king!"
you start to side step when walking.
you stop at corners and have a quick look round before you move.
you see large circles on the ground and expect to bounce on them.
instead of walking in a circle you side-step round focusing on the centre.
you only ever walk in the direction of your head.
you turn through 180 degrees while walking along for no apparent reason.
you walk towards a normal door expecting it to open automatically.
you doodles become immures of Klesk saying 'kill kill kill'.
you put a rail gun on your Christmas wish list.
you walk down stairs expecting it to be like a smooth ramp.
you change your house into a type of gothic temple.
you become very scared of deep misty pits.
your night becomes only 3 hour long as you stay up to early hours playing.
you keep checking above your head for snipers.
you put on extra jackets for protection.
you walk over spheres expecting your painful elbow to heal.

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