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What would the world be without sarcasm? Actually, it'd probably be a much nicer place all told but do we care? Nope, not one iota.
This form of wit is nominally known as the lowest but that would probably be the opinion of a half wit who hasn't yet realised that all Benny Hill sketches are the lowest form of wit. Or possibly they've led a charmed life and never been forced to sit through one of them. Right digression ended, sarcasm is in fact the most fun someone can have when finding themselves somewhere like the zoo, or its human equivalent, high school.
Watch them , the faces of the in-crowd as you face them down with a barrage of cutting, sarcastic words. Watch the blank expressions, the lack of any animation or comprehension. Laugh inside at the knowledge of your infinite superiority, then laugh out loud at the knowledge of your infinite superiority.
Of course the one problem is that they can use their non-evolved brains to cut you off in mid flow with the snide glances that have won them their precious positions at the top of the dating chain. There is no way to solve this problem. Well actually there is one way. See that obnoxious first year to your left? Sarcasm works there too. And the guilt factor is zero, after all, you're only teaching them survival tactics. Right?

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