Study Leave

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So, you've got exams in about 2 days, you've gone completely postal and you're beginning to sweat blood (not a pretty sight, don't look in a mirror when this starts to happen).
Fortunately *Superman style music starts to play* you have a saving grace. A thought you can focus on so that you don't start to look like Linda Blair. That thought is: study leave! Ok, you might have to sit exams still, but you can come home afterwards, back to the comfort of your own room where you can do some really intensove studying (or as its more commonly known, freaking out completely because of the completely different set of answers your friend reeled of to you in the aftermath).
Without study leave, all students forced to sit exams would lose even more of their brains than they already have through partying and suchlike. To whoever invented this god-send, I salute you. *Salutes and turns to vacate web page*.

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