A Conversation for The Hitchhiker's Hotel Herms and Honditions.

I agree to the Wardrobe's Herms and Honditions

Post 1

Baryonic Being - save GuideML out of a word-processor: A7720562

Signed: ..Baryonic Being, U234603, room #7, floor 2....

I agree to the Wardrobe's Herms and Honditions

Post 2

Lady Pennywhistle - Back with a vengeance! [for a certain, limited value of Vengeance; actual amounts of Vengeance may vary]

Ah well, I'll sign too, since you asked:

Lady Pennywhistle (U250656), waitress/barstaff, single room #3, first floor.

I agree to the Wardrobe's Herms and Honditions

Post 3


Well I should too then i suppose!

Footbacon U235904 HHH Management, the cupboard under the stairs

smiley - biggrin

I agree to the Wardrobe's Herms and Honditions

Post 4


*signs in her initials, as it seems a little silly to just repeat her short nickname again*

Y. D. R.

(though I doubt this is legally binding)...

smiley - evilgrin

I agree to the Wardrobe's Herms and Honditions

Post 5

Illegible Scrawl - Cleaner and part time bar person at HHH

Still not sure why the staff (or should that be bananas?) have to sign this.

IS U656523, resident of The Skyview room.

I agree to the Wardrobe's Herms and Honditions

Post 6


*rubs vest on bottom*
No I did not!

I agree to the Wardrobe's Herms and Honditions

Post 7

Lady Pennywhistle - Back with a vengeance! [for a certain, limited value of Vengeance; actual amounts of Vengeance may vary]

smiley - ermYou didn't what, sir?

I agree to the Wardrobe's Herms and Honditions

Post 8


Erm... sign it in the way it reads.

I agree to the Wardrobe's Herms and Honditions

Post 9


Shadesmiley - thief (that's my official insignia) of the Tool Room in the Basement - F1806957?thread=419691&post=5307077#p5307077

I agree to the Wardrobe's Herms and Honditions

Post 10

Black Cheetah: The Veggie Black Cat (Have two accounts for some reason!)

Black Cheetah - smiley - somersaultsmiley - blackcat

I agree to the Wardrobe's Herms and Honditions

Post 11

Thewyrdsister (13-01+9+21=42), Thursdayite!

Of course I agree! What's not to agree upon?? I agree very thoroughly!! I'm a very agreeable person! smiley - tongueout

Thewyrdsister smiley - magic

I agree to the Wardrobe's Herms and Honditions

Post 12

Lady Pennywhistle - Back with a vengeance! [for a certain, limited value of Vengeance; actual amounts of Vengeance may vary]

smiley - ermUmmm... that's lovely ma'am, except for the fact you don't need to, since you're not a hotel guest.

I agree to the Wardrobe's Herms and Honditions

Post 13

Thewyrdsister (13-01+9+21=42), Thursdayite!

oh b*gger....better become one then, in a hurry!! smiley - winkeye

smiley - magic

I agree to the Wardrobe's Herms and Honditions

Post 14

Lady Pennywhistle - Back with a vengeance! [for a certain, limited value of Vengeance; actual amounts of Vengeance may vary]

smiley - biggrinGoody, welcome! Please do drop by the bar sometime and say hi...

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