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Tittering titbot Shimmering by

Some unexpected honoured guests made their appearance on the 5th HooToo anniversary.

Shim brought a strange present with him

Come in, get your coat off, what do you want to drink?
Post: 238
Posted Just Now by Shim

What the...

What happened? Where did you all come from? I remember opening a bottle of yellow insipid liquid and then darkness.

Everything looks different...


and what's with the tit smilies?

Shim's Blue Fish



Come in, get your coat off, what do you want to drink?
Post: 239
Posted Just Now by Shim

oh it is.

thank goodness.

Shim's Blue Fish


Making you curious is it not? It made me search for previous performances of Shim.

Well, I have found some older postings

Shim's Blue Fish
Post: 5
Posted Jul 4,1999 by Shim

I see subtlety is beyond you.

Let me spell it out.

Only I can make the blue fish. Don't bother trying. It won't work. I know. I wrote the forum code to put it there.


smiley - fish


Shim's Blue Fish
Post: 6
Posted Jul 4,1999 by vegiman

OK It is going to be your own personal trade mark. I bet someone will eventually find your cryptic key controls. It's cool, we'll just have to make do with it on user pages. all the best vegiman
smiley - smiley


Shim's Blue Fish
Post: 9
Posted Jul 5, 1999 by beeline

OK folks - when you post to a thread, the cgi script looks through the posting text for smiley - fish and replaces it with smiley - fish. If the user happens to have userID 23 (i.e. only Shim), it replaces it with [bluefish] instead.

We can't do it. Only Shim. There's no fancy key combination or anything, so don't bother looking for it!

That's what it sounds like anyway.


Alabaster/Brunel/Plain version

Classic version
first fish postings
Shim's first remark suggests the preview shows the normal fish
later fish post

It is an even more friendly fish then ><>

Where is that cat!

'Help' page all fish are pointing to

Alternate text
'Shim's Blue Fish'

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